Friends of Signature
Join as a Friends of Signature Member to ensure we remain a home for storytellers and a space for all.
Make a tax-deductible donation today to help foster a brighter future for Signature Theatre and you’ll receive additional perks when you visit the Pershing Square Signature Center.

Giving Levels
- $5 discount on single tickets to Signature productions*
- Invite to Annual Friends Mixer & Artist Conversation at the Center
- 20% off at the Signature Café + Bar & Bookstore
- Access to 3-week pre-sale period before single tickets go on sale
- Fully Tax Deductible
*limit 2 per production, cannot be combined with other discounts or offers
Cost to Join
friend/tier 2
- All benefits of Tier 1
- A free drink at the Signature Café + Bar with each show you attend
- Donor listing on Signature’s website and programs
- Access to Signature Neighborhood Reward Perks, including discounts to restaurants, parking, hotels, and attractions.
- Fully Tax Deductible
Cost to Join
For assistance in making a donation, contact our Manager of Donor Programs Jen Cullen at 646.388.8137, or at